Ever heard someone tell you 'They knew but didn't really know or weren't exactly sure'?
Well, that's aptitude tests for you.
Silly little tests that sometimes catch you offguard.
That happened to me about a week or 2 ago.
I sent in my resume to the no.1 company on my list HERE and wowza! they called me for an aptitude test TWO days later and sent me a regret letter the following week to tip me off my scales..lol.
Even Victor Chengs endless e-mails on how to get into such a company were nowhere in play to sort a girl out.
Thing is, not knowing my score-notwithstanding, I'm sure I faired averagely where average is, well, just average.
I, sincerely, did not expect them to get back to me that soon (Lordy Lord! Id even travelled out of the city when they contacted me to say '..we're glad to inform you that you have been invited for an aptitude..'. Had to do an overnight trip to make it for that test)
I have never been so unexcited doing a test.
All the same, it had to be done and I did it.
Aptitude Day;
The guy at HR seemed so pleased with himself..could have sworn he knew he was about to mess with my faculties from the wry smile he gave me. Then again, it(the smile) might have been a giggle stifling to burst out into a laugh from how tortured my face seemed!
There were six of us, male and female, in equal ratio.
The female who stood tall masking her probable fear with loads of facial composure(and probably enough chapstick roll-ons to dry any impending beads of sweat that might turn into foul smells). That lady, so neat, who, if she shifted her scarf slightly, you'd think your own was outta place..Ok, enough with the lies, all I had was a simple dress and a bunch of nerves--->this was me.
The self assured guy in a matching suit/shoe/socks ensemble who reminded us how good he was with numbers and this, for him, was a mere formality.--->Gotta loathe that macho..lol.
The cute chubby girl who kept asking questions, soooooo many questions. Questions she should have probably asked the help(watchman) at the gate--->Girl I made friends with.
The guy and girl who came in together(chewing gum, carrying folders with tons of documents when all we'd been asked to do was carry a pen and be there 5min early) like they'd been practising for the test all week long as they re-assured each other of their soon to be 'power couple' status. Chineke! Who were these 2? They put the four of us at such unease I wished they'd have been given an alternative room to write the test in.
The rest, were two easy to-look-at(Yes, Yes I checked out guys as I waited to do a test..you gotta have something to distract you from all the tension) guys who tried to keep everybody at ease by being jests..oshe, thank you, merci beaucoup to these two.
Enough descriptions(..oh! Wait! I forgot to mention the room was so cold. They'd probably had it frozen in advance to numb our hands so we couldn't write as fast and complete the test)
We did the test. They took in 1person- cute chubby girl- and told the rest of us '..we shall keep your details in our database for further review incase future opportunities arise'. These HR people are liars, sometimes. Its like they had a convention, sat down and came up with a universal 'regret letter format' to kick in your balls but at the same time have you think, they'll actually be in touch..lol. My friend has the exact same letter albeit from a FMCG company.
Afterwards, however, I thought about the test and decided to put this post together as a preamble to my doing/practising for these tests since I've another coming up in a while not so long from now.
I shall do postings of timed tests from different companies on my Facebook page HERE.
This is to help gather as many relevant tests as possible for my own practice and yours not just for my upcoming test but to improve alertness and other things. These silly tests apparently have the ability to up your IQ if done regularly(Read HERE)
Also, if you have any links for tests or two cents on how to do better in these tests..feel free to share (I doubt anyone has sound advice on aptitudes apart from the fact that you have to practice. This is not to discourage the '2-cents' I've requested for but if you think you're the aptitude messiah, bring on the good news).
What I wore to the test:
About the outfit..,
Barely had time to prep.+couldnt find the belt to this dress. Only alternative was to "FORCE"(direct translation..lol. #Lazimisha) this green belt on and try green the rest of my accessories. Howd I do??
Dress: own closet
Jewelry: own closet
Shoes: Annies Fashions
Belt+Clutch: Chiteri
Photo Credits: WAMUYU
Keep well!
Kazini Daily!