When I was 14years old, I used to keep a diary. I'd hide it at the far back of my bedroom drawer so nobody would find it..what magnificent hiding skills..lol.
According to that diary, I am meant to get married, sit my bar exam and conceive my first child ALL in 2014.
My reasoning was to do it on my '14 of 2014(My birthday is June 14th. Falls on a Saturday in 2014..perfect day to achieve all those.)
*Please give me a few minutes to roll on the floor and laugh my friggin behind off..(I promise to explain this in February)*
Anyhow, I don't keep a diary anymore although I occasionally use my
good mind and the virtual pen to vent when I'd rather not talk which
is most of the time..lol.
In my 2013 virtual/mind-diary, there are people and things to whom I
owe gratitude for sticking it up for me when this year rocked and/or sucked. I came up with a list of 10 things/people that did it for me this
year(in no particular order);
..this is what I figure heaven looks like..lol. |
I don't go to church as much as I used to.
Actually I don't go
anymore. However, this doesn't mean I don't believe in God anymore
'coz His graces have abound even when I've not consumed my weekly dose
of religion in a sanctuary. Somehow, I still find myself asking for
His help.
..,Edward<right> with a friend |
Ah! If you need a brother for hire, this guy is your guy. I'll figure
the rates and send them out to you.
Best brother one could ask for. He has been there even when he shouldn't have. Let me crush on his couch switching channels when life was being life..in a really lousy way..lol.
He's a trained counsellor, studied business, ended up in engineering and has the most positive attitude toward life! Bless him:-)
My very close friend and alter ego. This girl loves to shop even when
it makes no sense to shop. Its her form of therapy. Her trips are where she drags people(I'm a frequent victim) to discuss
burning issues..lol. She's a lovely soul this girl.
Can't say much here. Nothing like family/a few worthy chums to back you, scold you and urge you on.
Jewelry Making;
I used to design jewelry for sale but have since quit to concentrate on other things..Hwoever, while I still did it, it kept me busy and fulfilled. We thank God for talent:-)
She's just four but speaks her mind like a teenager. Calls me
'Rosy'(which usually I'd hate but with her interesting accent, I don't mind it. She's not sure whether she wants to become a pilot, doctor, teacher or
bus driver but is a darn good conversationalist with an opinion on
most things!
My phone;
..ok, I don't actually own the most expensive phone in the world as pictured but I love my phone..lol. |
This thing is stuck to my palm and is where I write most of my blog
posts from. I also use it to mask my 'crazy' and pretend I'm on call;
see, I laugh a lot, sometimes randomly in public when I reminisce on
stuff and nothing looks more cuckoo than a girl standing at the bus
stop suddenly bursting into fits of laughter- so my celly comes in
My African Proverbs Handbook;
This book has some of the funniest quotes/sayings ever..makes you wonder if our 'ancestors' really came up with them..lol. Here are a few that made my year;
'No matter how fast you run, the buttocks will always remain behind'- Igbo proverb
'When a man is stung by a bee, he doesn’t set off to destroy all beehives’ – (Kenya)
‘The man who marries a beautiful woman, and the farmer who grows corn by the roadside have the same problem’ – Ethiopia.
No matter how hot your anger is, it cannot cook yam’ – Nigeria.
‘If the throat can grant passage to a knife, the anus should wonder how to expel it’ – Seychelles
There’s no virgin in a maternity ward’ – Cameroon
‘A child can play with its mother’s breasts, but not its father’s testicles’ – Guinea
The blogosphere;
I love me a hardcover book to read so I can flip pages and see
progress as I delve further into the story I'm reading. However, there's a wealth of knowledge on the internet(
like you don't already know..lol) and especially on the blogging arena. I've discovered
blogs that have become my go-to zones for fashion, fun and news.
Kazini readers;
Followers and readers of this blog. I've not been very consistent
posting, something I hope to improve in 2014
; 10posts at the very least per month, but the feedback I get keeps me at it. Thank you for
reading..I really appreciate it.
Bigger, Better things coming up..stay tuned:-)
There are off course other things that were highlights of my year but that's for another day as I have to run.
My 2014 message to you;
If we care to admit it, Love and/or dreams are what keep us going so..,
In dreams, I sincerely hope you endeavor to achieve things that will
not only profit you but those around you.
In love, if you have found it, appreciate it. If you haven't, I wish you love.
If you have it and are taking it for granted, may baby cupid punish
you..as in literally strike to kill you with the little arrow on his back..heck I'll even loan him arrows upon request..lol!
Finally, learn to let things go, live life and let live!
Thank you for reading, stay blessed and Happy 2014 people!!
Kazini Daily!!