DISCLAIMER: excuse my French in this post:)

Not so long a while ago, I was thinking about my job search and how I would not wish it on anybody because its been a darn long process not necessarily yielding the result I initially anticipated.

Money, like it is to many people(ok, Roselyn, speak for yourself) has been an issue. I've had to cut back on a lot of things to have my finances make sense.
When we(you and I..recent graduates) are starting out, our initial aim is to make figures that will help us get by even before we think experience(this little conclusion/generalization, im sure, speaks for every Tom, Dick and Harry without a trust

I recall, a few weeks ago at the ATB career fair, Bob Collymore(Safaricom CEO) spoke about figuring whats more important to you as you set out on carving your career it finances, experience or whatever.
That way, you determine your motivation and work to ensure its fulfilled if not sated.

'owo ni ke ke ni nyerere'(Yoruba Proverb)..Everybody needs money, even priests needs money. Some take that need more seriously than others.

When I read stories like that in my previous post, my heart bleeds for those girls(..and boys. Male prostitution is also rife just not as aptly documented as female prostitution)

A part of me always says, 'its never that serious'..the need for money, that is.
.,and NO this doesnt mean I have loads of it. In fact, I dey for aje-baku i.e. serial broke ass.

I have all the qualifications for an entry level job but I have not yet succeeded in my search. So do many of you.
However, I would hate to be reduced to lying on my back(and other awkward positions) for money.
It would rip me of my dignity. Rob a bit of my essence, if not all of it.
Having to literally kiss a strangers(albeit a paying one)ass..ah! The though of it makes me shudder.

I'm a veteran at things non-judgmental because like most people who care to admit, I'm just human. However, I have a flair for airing opinions which I ensure are heard by all and sundry when something touches or speaks to my heart. My two cents on the previous post:

1. Money is important.
Your parents spent it on a decent education for you so for Pete's sake find a decent job or income-generating activity if the quest for the former is unsuccessful.
Ps..I have not found one and have no authority to command one on/to you but when rubber has met road, I have settled for running errands and other 'small' jobs, sometimes demeaning to my credentials E.g. I took a 3-day gig ushering a corporate event and received a miserly $35 equivalent after standing/sitting/smiling/talking/taking notes for a total 27hours!!(Richard, I hope you're taking notes for my biography)
YOU are not too big to take small jobs.

2. Disease is rife in this society and as you allow yourself to be devoured by the insipid stranger who handpicked you based on the colour and gloss of your thighs, think about what he might be passing onto you, protection notwithstanding(in case you want to counter me with 'im using a condom').

My pastor(Yes, I go to church..sometimes) says that when you sleep with someone, you pick a bit of their essence(or all of it depending on how thick things got<-------my 4.2% perverse bit added this to the pastors words). God knows what you have picked up or are picking up. ..,and trust me, no virtues are being exchanged there.

3. Problems can be much at times. A handful abi. I understand how hard it gets. Trust me I do. Heck I even understand what would drive you to lying on your back for money.
You are a beautiful woman(or man) with awesome credentials(albeit entry level), great standards and huge potential..STAY FOCUSSED.

Finally, well, Bob(He said not to call him Mr. MONEY is a present need of my mine and would not mind a job at Safaricom be it at your call centre or as a graduate trainee(..,and in case you do read this, my ultimate preference is your legal department. Here is my E-MAIL have your guys contact me:))


Kazini Daily!


Monday, 24 June 2013


DISCLAIMER: excuse my French in this post:)

Not so long a while ago, I was thinking about my job search and how I would not wish it on anybody because its been a darn long process not necessarily yielding the result I initially anticipated.

Money, like it is to many people(ok, Roselyn, speak for yourself) has been an issue. I've had to cut back on a lot of things to have my finances make sense.
When we(you and I..recent graduates) are starting out, our initial aim is to make figures that will help us get by even before we think experience(this little conclusion/generalization, im sure, speaks for every Tom, Dick and Harry without a trust

I recall, a few weeks ago at the ATB career fair, Bob Collymore(Safaricom CEO) spoke about figuring whats more important to you as you set out on carving your career it finances, experience or whatever.
That way, you determine your motivation and work to ensure its fulfilled if not sated.

'owo ni ke ke ni nyerere'(Yoruba Proverb)..Everybody needs money, even priests needs money. Some take that need more seriously than others.

When I read stories like that in my previous post, my heart bleeds for those girls(..and boys. Male prostitution is also rife just not as aptly documented as female prostitution)

A part of me always says, 'its never that serious'..the need for money, that is.
.,and NO this doesnt mean I have loads of it. In fact, I dey for aje-baku i.e. serial broke ass.

I have all the qualifications for an entry level job but I have not yet succeeded in my search. So do many of you.
However, I would hate to be reduced to lying on my back(and other awkward positions) for money.
It would rip me of my dignity. Rob a bit of my essence, if not all of it.
Having to literally kiss a strangers(albeit a paying one)ass..ah! The though of it makes me shudder.

I'm a veteran at things non-judgmental because like most people who care to admit, I'm just human. However, I have a flair for airing opinions which I ensure are heard by all and sundry when something touches or speaks to my heart. My two cents on the previous post:

1. Money is important.
Your parents spent it on a decent education for you so for Pete's sake find a decent job or income-generating activity if the quest for the former is unsuccessful.
Ps..I have not found one and have no authority to command one on/to you but when rubber has met road, I have settled for running errands and other 'small' jobs, sometimes demeaning to my credentials E.g. I took a 3-day gig ushering a corporate event and received a miserly $35 equivalent after standing/sitting/smiling/talking/taking notes for a total 27hours!!(Richard, I hope you're taking notes for my biography)
YOU are not too big to take small jobs.

2. Disease is rife in this society and as you allow yourself to be devoured by the insipid stranger who handpicked you based on the colour and gloss of your thighs, think about what he might be passing onto you, protection notwithstanding(in case you want to counter me with 'im using a condom').

My pastor(Yes, I go to church..sometimes) says that when you sleep with someone, you pick a bit of their essence(or all of it depending on how thick things got<-------my 4.2% perverse bit added this to the pastors words). God knows what you have picked up or are picking up. ..,and trust me, no virtues are being exchanged there.

3. Problems can be much at times. A handful abi. I understand how hard it gets. Trust me I do. Heck I even understand what would drive you to lying on your back for money.
You are a beautiful woman(or man) with awesome credentials(albeit entry level), great standards and huge potential..STAY FOCUSSED.

Finally, well, Bob(He said not to call him Mr. MONEY is a present need of my mine and would not mind a job at Safaricom be it at your call centre or as a graduate trainee(..,and in case you do read this, my ultimate preference is your legal department. Here is my E-MAIL have your guys contact me:))


Kazini Daily!


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