Meet Judy Cherotich. Judy is the owner of Tichie Plus Size modelling agency. For this particular hustle, the pictures will do more of the talking.
She is also a make-up artist cum stylist who uses her innate ability to bring out the best in her clients portfolio as well as manage those interested in her plus size modelling agency.
Judy started the agency not too long ago and is looking to tap the plus size market of models in East Africa and eventually the rest of the continent. She is a student of Public Relations and has a business background which has been of great use in running the agency.
Her advice to anyone looking to start something is not to wait till the money comes but to use the skills they have to tap into the market.
She quotes a favorite speaker of mine and says,
"I'm often asked how to start investing with
little or no
Please hear this as
this is the hardest thing for people to
understand: you do
NOT invest with money! You invest with your
mind! No
matter what the field, your biggest asset is
your mind.
Once you have knowledge, you find deals,
find your team
and use other people’s money. You sell the
deal and
your team to get investment money." Sam Adeyemi.
Let me know what you think of her hustle!!! Also, check out her page
HERE for auditions and any inquiries you might have.
Kazini Daily.