Friday, 26 July 2013


Whoever contemplates the thought of failing in their job search??? I have most certainly hedged the risk(s) but the thought of it (failing) is not something I would like to consider as an eventuality.
However, one expert thinks the following are sure ways to fail in your job search;


There are a lot of job search techniques out there and I’m frequently asked which one should be used. The answer? Use ALL OF THEM! If you restrict your search activity to any single method (including excellent ones like research interviewing or networking), you severely limit your opportunity for success. For example, the ads in the papers are real jobs, not hallucinations. The Internet does list employment opportunities. Some companies do have “NOW HIRING” signs on their front lawns. Talking to friends and relatives about your Fail Hashtaginterests can help identify employment opportunities. Recruiters and agencies, used intelligently, can be helpful. Social Media applications (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) are becoming exceptional search tools. Although I recommend that you invest most of your time in activities that tap into the “hidden market” through research, social media and networking, an effective job search campaign is probably one that uses all available methods to unearth opportunities.


When you reduce job hunting to the lowest common denominator, it’s basically a numbers game, right? So it stands to reason that the more times you apply, the more chances you have for success. Logic then dictates that every time you see any job that you’re even remotely qualified for (e.g., I’m not a brain surgeon, but I have a brain), you should go for it. Well, not really. First of all, you’re likely to experience an even higher level of frustration when you’re not considered for most of these positions, chipping away at your already fragile self esteem. In addition, you’ll probably invest a significant amount of time with little or no results. Finally, sooner or later you’re likely to be labeled in the employer community as someone who would do “anything for a buck.” Would YOU hire someone like that? Neither will they!


Similar to the above technique, this process will certainly gain you some visibility… as damaged goods! Although the vast majority of people will be willing to help, most of them will quickly tire of your contact as you continually bemoan your lack of a paycheck. OK, I know that’s not what you’re doing, but that’s what your approach will seem like to them! It won’t be long before the word is out for everyone to avoid you at all costs – crossing the street when they see you coming, getting caller ID, spam-blocking your e-mails, ignoring your LinkedIn connection request, turning you into a job search pariah. There is nothing wrong with staying in touch with others to assist you in your search, but you should be seeking information, advice and referrals, not pumping innocent bystanders for job leads.


You’ve probably heard that “looking for a job is a full-time job.” I respectfully disagree. Looking for a job is NOT a full-time job; it’s much more that that! Looking for work is, for most of us, much harder than the most difficult job we’ll ever have. Be sure to schedule some downtime, fun activities and recovery time from the wear and tear of presenting yourself to potential employers. If you don’t, you’ll probably end up as a worn-out interviewee, barely able to sit up straight in a chair, not to mention being totally unable to sell your qualifications to the company. To quote a cartoon in my files, “My name is Bob and I need a job!” Be sure to schedule some relaxation and recreation along with all of your search activities. You’ll be a better candidate for it.


Since you don’t know exactly what a company may need to know about you, be sure to include every single job, experience, class, volunteer activity and project in your resume to make them aware of all of the marvelous ways you could contribute to their organization’s bottom line. This gives you the highest potential to connect your skills with the employer’s needs, right? Wrong! This will more likely turn your resume into an unread epic poem destined for the shredder or recycle bin. And if someone decides that he or she needs something to read before dozing off, it will show you to be an unfocused candidate who will happily take the first position offered (and just as likely to move on for something better as soon as the opportunity arises). Resumes need to be targeted, honest and focused to the needs of the industry, the market and the company.

Hmmmm..what do you think??? I agree with most (if not all the points brought up). Do share your thoughts.
Kazini Daily.

Monday, 1 July 2013


Meet Lil. Ms. Siena (pictured). Three and a half year old recently turned entrepreneur.
I believe in saving. For that purpose, I have a bank account (like most people) as well as a small piggy bank in the house where I throw in pocket change.
Today, we focus on the piggy bank.
Ms. Siena recently discovered the piggy bank and wanted to know why such a cute little ‘doll’ has a slot slit on its bank. I explained. She was fascinated. Said she wanted one for herself.
The following day, I requested for one from my bank and handed it to her together with four shillings(oh please, don’t give me that look..kid doesn’t know the difference between a ksh1 coin and a Ksh 10 coin. OK, maybe I should have said I handed her some coins:D)
A few days later when we were just done with dinner, Lil. Ms. Siena walked to the living room with a small bag and a platter.
Announced that she was selling bananas, from the kitchen, for Ksh24 each(that’s the biggest number she knows).
When asked why she was selling bananas from the kitchen, she explained that it was for her piggy bank. That she needed to grow it.

More often than not, we are afraid to start from humble beginnings.
In business and relationships, people are looking for the perfect ‘climate’ to set up shop. There is no perfect climate. Sometimes you have to start from scratch, get your hands dirty to appreciate the value of what you build up.
‘Haba na haba, hujaza kibaba’(Swahili proverb)..’Little by little, the “cup” is filled’.
A week since Ms. Siena received her piggy, its ksh45 “heavier”, there are no more bananas in the kitchen and we await to see what initiative she will come up with to ‘grow’ it as she so aptly put it.
To my dear readers,
As this new month begins, I will for you a ‘Siena’ like attitude. That you may be able to grow whatever is handed to you in leaps and bounds from whatever point it is given to you. That you may be able to appreciate it to something better.
                         God bless you, Happy new month.